Tuesday, 29 December 2009

Easiest way to calculate SAN data transfer rate from AIX

In order to check how much data throughput speed from your FC connections of AIX servers to any san attached storage

1. Identify any filesystem , created on any vg residing on SAN disks ( let say /data1)

2. time dd if=/dev/zero of=/data1/testfile bs=32768 count=30000

It will create around 10 GB file in /data1 so make sure you have enough space there. After getting value of time period required to copy such file , you can divide this size by time to get the data transfer speed in Mb/Sec.

For example , if real time value returned by time command output results around 1 min so value of data transfer would be 10x1024/60= 170 Mb/sec.

Friday, 25 December 2009

VSCSI disks mapping to Physical disks AIX VIO

The other day , during one implementation of a project , i stuck on a silly point.

I was implementing Oracle RAC on two P570 servers which are located on distant sites and fully virtualized through dual VIO configuration. We assigned many disks from DS6000 to VIO servers and name these disks according to naming convention required by Oracle DBA. For example virtual disk for second voting disk as required by Oracle DBA was named on VIO servers as "lparnamevtdisk2"...

We ensured that we configured correct disk for correct purpose by executing these two following commands
# oem_setup_env
# datapath device 13 ( as we were using SDDPCM /AIX MPIO on VIO servers).

Now but we went back to AIX client Lpars and executed cfgmgr, we were able to get large number of disks , but got confused as apparanetly all these disks are vscsi disks and dont have any serial number which can matched with SAN Lun Serial numbers...

Then after some research , i got following information that in order to map virtual scsi disks on AIX client Lpars with original physical disks , you have to execute

#lscfg -vl hdiskxx ( on AIX client Lpar ) and note down serial number ( which could be something like L86xxxx) and then you have to go to VIO partition and then check for same serial number on virtual disks devices with command lsmap -all or if you know exact vhost for your client Lpar you can also use lsmap | grep vhostx.

Guys! I am Back....


Sorry i was away for almost more than one month on annual vacations so could'nt update my blogs for a while .. Now i am back... so you can expect some new material very soon on my web site...

 How to Enable Graphical Mode on Red Hat 7 he recommended way to enable graphical mode on RHEL  V7 is to install first following packages # ...